It's actually been 1 year 5 months now. My last follow up with Dr Naficy was 3 months ago, he wanted to be sure to give my nose plenty of time to heal before deciding if the bump caused any damage.
First, here's a profile view taken today, and front view taken last week:
First, here's a profile view taken today, and front view taken last week:
AFTER: 1-1/2 years post op, profile view
AFTER: 1-1/2 years post op, front view
And... ready for this? Here's a reminder of what is used to look like, can you believe it?!?
Wow, that is one fugly hump on the nose! I'm SO happy with my new nose, even if the hit did mess things up a bit.
So... the hit to my nose did cause some damage to the healing process. As you can see in the top photo, there's still a very very slight hump, and from the front view, some of the cartilege did shift when my nose got bumped, and pushed upward causing a wider area at the top, and thinner below. It's hard to tell from the photo, but believe me I see it when I look in the mirror. Of course i'm totally obsessed and look at it all the time, so it might not be as bad as I think. Regardless, there is in fact permanent damange from the hit to my nose 1 month post-op. Huge freakin' bummer!
Here's what the doc said.... He said there's no damage to the bone which is great, that all of this is just cartiledge that was pushed up when my nose was bumped, and can easily be moved around. He said it's looking good, and it's pretty much 90% perfect, and the last 10% to fix the injury is a very very easy fix that would get it to 100% (as it would have been, had I not been injured). Apparantly recovery is similar to before, but he said about 70% of the swelling/bruising since we don't need to shave down the bone. Still, it's the whole thing all over again, split for a couple weeks, can't breathe out the nose, swelling, 1-2 weeks off work, 1 year of healing, etc.
Doc's recommendation is to do a revision. However the way he's recommending it, is to keep the width at the top, and fill the area where it gets thinner so it's more of a natural subtle line. What I worry about, is that my whole nose will be wide, which it wasn't before, so then the new "fixed" version won't be what I wanted to begin with. I mean, I know what I've got now, and it's 90% there and I'm really happy with the improvement, so is it worth messing with it again, not sure what the result will be?
I'm SO torn as to what to do! Here are the pros & cons as I see it:
- Free / no expense to me, to get a revision
- I won't be looking in the mirror every day staring at my nose thinking "why the #$&% did that hit have to happen, and what should I do?"
- I have to go thru recovery ALL OVER AGAIN. Splint, swelling, 1 year recovery time. UGH!
- I'm worried the revision will make it look different but not necessarily better. I know what I have now which is pretty good, and I worry messing with it more will cause more problems or that I won't actually like it better.
So anyway, there you have it.
I will say this for those of you considering rhinoplasty, or who have just undergone surgery, this is one of the best things i've done and i don't regret it one bit!! I look at old photos of myself and can't believe I waited so long. Even with the hit that messed up the healing, i'm still SUPER happy with the results and feel much more confident and happy with things overall. Again, I highly recommend Dr. Naficy. I'm proof that the service is quality high-end, and well worth every penny. As you can see he's actually suggesting I do a revision free of charge to me, and I can wait as long as I want to decide. So that is comforting.
I'm so undecided on whether or not I'll do the revision, as you can see it's been 3 months since that last follow-up appointment, and I still haven't decided what to do! I'd love to hear what you all think, what you would do in this situation, it's such a hard call. But I'm a happy camper nonetheless! Will post another update if/when I decide what to do about the revisions. I welcome any comments or advice. :)
Hey I enjoyed reading ur post and I'm glad ur recovery went well.. I just had rhinoplasty a month ago (it's my second one, last one was 20 years ago, I'm 34 now). I still feel pretty congested. Sometimes more than other times and definitely more at night. I'm beginning to think something went wrong with the rhinoplasty, however, my doc keeps telling me it's just swelling due to trauma of surgery. I'm getting really impatient and frustrated with him because he keeps brushing my concerns off a like i'm making them up or something. I'm wondering if he took too much off thereby constricting my airflow??? I dont know. What do you think given ur experience. I'm four weeks out and still congested. =(
ReplyDeleterhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of the nose. The nose has many subunits, one of which is the nasal tip. This area is a critical part of the nose and gives it much character. Reasons to perform a "tip rhinoplasty" are to change the shape of the nasal tip. Could any one suggest me that where i get service like rhinoplasty in karachi thanks.
DeleteHi there - well i'm certainly no expert so take this with a grain of salt. But based on my experience i do remember the congestion lasted for a very very VERY long time, way longer than I expected. I also called my doc a lot the first couple months to ask if that's normal because it was really freaking me out. I think it was maybe 2 months before i felt like i could breath normally again? So i'd say just listen to your doc, and give it more time. If there's one thing i learned from all of this is that it seriously takes a LONG time to heal, so you need to be really patient. That was not something I was good at, and why i took a lot of valium during the first couple months to avoid panic attacks from the congestion. The congestion was the worst part everything for me, it was horrible! :) So just give it more time to heal like your doc says, and try not to think about it too much -- i know it's impossible, but it DOES get better. I think by month 6 of recovery I was feeling really good and back to my old self. It takes a while so hang in there. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you sooo much for posting back so quickly. I too am very impatient in dealing with this congestion (I even had my mom drive me to the ER)LOL.... The nurse prescribed some Xanex and I've taken it a few times but I'm trying to combat things on my own. Some days I'm good at it and some days I'm not. Reading your post really gave me peace of mind. Thank you for putting your story out there so that people like me can relate to others like yourself who've gone through this experience. I'm glad you feel good... you look good as well. God bless.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You def don't need any revision of any sort your nose looks wonderful.
I've had rhinoplasty 2 months ago, had a hit (after being very carefull all the time!!!) from the least expected source- came to kiss my friend a goodbye kiss on the cheek and she though my nose was my mouth and she turned- the entire thing went upwards though no pain was exprienced. Since the nose itself is very stiff this had a very strange feeling lasting for 2 min (atleast the cheek was kinda soft). When I woke up in the morning I found a little scab from a little hump and maybe it was my imagination, but I think that a the little hump became albiet larger.
ReplyDeleteStarted to do excatly what you described in your posts- was very angry at myself for not being more carefull and looking all the time at the mirror just to see if the small hump is my imagination. Went to see the doctor couple of days later- he didnt really check me and said he cant see not diffrence but I am looking for a real answer in two months.
Cant stop being obsessed about it!!!
hi maximv88 - i'm SOOOOO sorry to hear that your new nose got hit!! I can totally relate to the anger, frustration, tears, about getting injured so soon after surgery. I'm crossing my fingers for you that you don't have any permanent damage. I'm still torn if I'm going to get the revision, but honestly I'm thinking I may not, and I realize it's not nearly as bad as I make it out to be in my mind.
ReplyDeleteThinking back to when I got hit, I remember my doc said there will probably be swelling around bone where the hump used to be, and he told me it could take 1-2 weeks to go down. And he kept telling me to give it the full year before decidingif there is any damage. It's was so difficult to be patient. I think after i passed the 6 month mark, I stopped being so obsessed with it, and started fully enjoying my new nose. :)
I'm really sorry to hear you have to go thru this same thing. I am still mad at myself for not being more careful... but one thing that helps is looking at old pics of that nasty hump! Then i realize how much better it is, even with the hit & all. So pull up some old pics of yourself, look in the mirror, and you will feel a little bit better I hope. Just know there's someone else out there who's been thru the same exact thing, and it does get better as time passes, cheesy but true!!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your story with every one.
I strongly think your nose is perfect now and you don't need the revision surgery, I think it is too much of a risk that you won't like it.
But I was wondering if you could tell us what exactly the doctor did to your nose during the surgery??? Was it necisary to break the bone for your hump removal?
I am going to get my nose fixed, because unfortunetly even though I was born with a perfectly straight nose, some evil bitch who bullied me for years in primary school, broke my nose on purpose with a netball.
I wanted the hump simply filed down, but the doc says I need it broken, so I aviod the box shaped nose. I'm concerned I won't like the look of my nose after he has broken it.
So could you please let us know exactly what your doctor did to your nose?
It looks perfect!!!
Thanks so much.
Hi Anony - wow sorry you had such a mean bully, what a bitch! I can't believe she broke your nose!
ReplyDeleteMy hump was not a result of being broken, started showing up out of nowhere in in my teens and in full force by college. So here's what the doctor did for my surgery:
He did have to break my nose, and sounds like that's necessary for most hump removals (i think). My doc told me the same thing that yours did -- if you simply shave it down, it doesn't look natural and looks boxy. They have to actually reconstruct the shape so it's a much smoother natural slope. They shaved down the hump. He also added some cartilage to the tip of my nose to life it up a tiny bit. It's very very subtle but makes a huge difference. Apparently as we get older, and with asian noses (i'm 1/2 asian), the tip starts to point down. I'm so happy he did that, and we did discuss it in my consult, it actually make a big difference. The surgery itself was an open rhinoplasty, meaning he make a small incision between my nostrils, and basically peeled back my skin. YUCK!!
Not sure what else to add, but let me know if you have more questions, i'm happy to answer. Best of luck with your surgery, it makes a big difference mentally & physically, you will be very happy you did it.
P.S. - thanks for the opinion on my revision. I agree it's too risky, i think i'm going to keep it as is. :)
Hi Marie, I've just had my cast off and am just 1 week post op! your blog has been brilliant, I found it when googling chipmunk cheeks after rhinoplasty - was not expecting my face to get so chubby! Your new nose looks fantastic and your blog is a great way to monitor my own progress too. It's been really helpful. I will return to it as the weeks go on to see how our notes compare :)
ReplyDeleteWarm wishes
Hello Anony - Congrats on your surgery! I remember being SOOO relieved to get that cast off. I'm glad to hear my blog has been helpful to you. I know when I was going through recovery I couldn't find anything online detailing the day by day recovery, so I was hoping to help others going through the same thing.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with the recovery, and enjoy your new nose! Would love to see a pic when you are ready :)
I am about to have a nose job in...5 days. Like you, I was SUPER excited about getting it until the past few days and now I have been barraging my doctor with questions and worrying about how the surgery will go and how it will turn out. I am 30 and I have wanted this since a bump appeared during puberty about 16-17 years ago. It has only gotten worse with time and now I also have a bit of a bulbous tip. I HATE looking at it and was not thrilled with my wedding photos as a result. So I KNOW I want it but I am also nervous. This blog and the photos have been a lifesaver just to get me prepped with what to expect. I thank you SO much for that.
ReplyDeleteI find that most people that blog about rhinoplasty are angry and have not had good results, which of course also makes me insanely nervous. So it was good to see someone who, despite a few setbacks, is happy with the result. THANK YOU so much for putting my mind at ease.
And p.s. I agree, you are GORGEOUS, no revision necessary.
Hi Anony - wow you sound exactly like my situation. out of nowhere in my late teens, a hump appeared, and like you i felt like it was getting bigger and bigger by the year. it was always something i wanted to fix, and for some reason waited until my 30's too. but it's been one of the best things!
ReplyDeletei remember also getting really nervous the week before, but hang in there. you will be SO thrilled with the results. the actual surgery day is pretty easy, feels like you are in & out in a flash. Just prepare yourself for the weeks following. :) I'm so happy to hear that my blog is helpful to you, it's why i decided to post it all online, so you know what to expect and can see real pics of the recovery progress.
Best of luck, and congrats on deciding to get the surgery. I can tell you it's been over 1 year now, and i'm still so thrilled with my new nose, one of the best things I have done for myself!
and thx for the sweet vote of confidence, i have decided not to get a revision, it's just fine how it is. :)
Hi! I've enjoyed reading your blog; I have a septo-rhinoplasty coming up in a couple of months (to improve breathing). The ENT is going to take off the hump, among other things. I'm just wondering if any tip work was done during your surgery, or if you just had the hump removed and that's it? Your nose look AMAZING, by the way!
ReplyDeleteHi Meg - Thank you! :) I'm really happy with it, and decided not to do a revision. I look at old pics and just can't believe what an improvement it is.
ReplyDeleteYes i did have some tip work done. I didn't initially think of it, but at my consult Dr. Naficy suggested adding cartilege to the tip to life it just a tiny bit. He said as we get older the tip tends to sag, making us look older than we are. I am SO glad i did the tip work as well, just a tiny lift made a huge difference. Best of luck with your surgery, you will be so happy to see your nose without the hump! :)
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your blog. Your nose looks great as you have already been told :). I am one month post op SeptoRhino and have been dealing with the worst intranasal swelling. Of course the panic attacks are present and I am going crazy. At about 3 1/2 weeks, I noticed a huge surge in nasal discharge and severe congestion start up as it had been fading (I am taking Flonase to help with the internal swelling). Over the last 3 days the nasal mucus which is so much is green, brown and yellow (sorry) and is overwhelming. I also have a little pressure around my eyes but not much. Sooo, I think I developed a sinus infection, which I never get. I just picked up the anti-biotics today so I'll be starting those. My doc can't see me because of the snow so he just heard my symptoms and told me I was probably right. Do you remember how you knew it was a sinus infection and what your sypmtoms were? Also, about how long until you started to feel just a bit better, maybe a little relief? And lastly, besides the neti pot which I use religiously, were there any other things you did to help you get through this? I know this was a long time ago but any input will be appreciated. I am obviously in absolute misery.
Again you look great and I'm glad to hear that after all you went through, you still think it was worth it.
Hi LM - Congrats on your surgery! I know right now it's kind of horrible for you, but it DOES get better eventually, and you will be very glad you went through it. Even now I can't believe what a difference it's made.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to remember back, and I thought it wad a sinus infection because I had a cold to start with, and also i've had sinus infections before and was just plain paranoid that was the problem. I remember being so congested for a long time, longer than the doc said it would be. So I finally called the doc, and he gave me antibiotics. I do remember that it didn't clear up after i finished the first round of antibiotics, so I think after a week I went back to the doc and got more, and the 2nd round really cleared things up. I do remember it being a huge bummer, but once clear, i recall the swelling and congestion improved pretty dramatically and quickly, within days.
Let's see, other things... well in all honestly the valium really helped me a LOT to deal with the congestion and panics! I had never taken valium before, and didn't realize how great it is, LOL. :) I actually got a refill from my doc, since the congestion was unbearable for me and i'm prone to panic attacks. Neti pot helped, i swear i did it multiple times i day. And the saline spray also helped. I think it was all more psychological than physical, but just having something actionable to do was helpful. And i remember watching a lot of movies and bad tv, just to take my mind off things. I took about a 3 weeks off work (i work for myself), so that was really nice.
I hope this helps, really it's just time that will make things better. I think the first 2 months were the hardest, but after that you feel like yourself again, but a slightly improved version.
You will get through it, just try to distract yourself, and think... it's only a few months out of your whole life. You can do it!!! And it's well worth it in my experience. Good luck!
Thank you so much for getting back to me so fast. All your advice is really going to help me. I went the ER tonight because I just had to get a diagnosis and truth be told, I wanted to get a ct scan to make sure nothing crazy was happening... I know, psycho. They confirmed an acute sinus infection (which I've never had) and obviously just retierated the antibiotics and fluids. I hope it goes fast. I had so much swelling before this, almost 3 weeks, with really very minor drainage. I just couldn't breathe because the internal swelling was out of control and was not dissipating much at all. For some reason, I thought a bone collapsed or some other horrid thing was restricting my breathing since it was taking soooo long for the swelling to subside. The scan showed all was well (except for the sinus junk) so hopefully I will be more calm confirming that this is all temporary. I felt like everybody's experience was they had like 4 days of congestion and then had the best breathing. I love that your blog is so candid. Thank you again for responding with good info and for your blog; and again, you look beautiful!
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeleteI have one more question for you... I promise :). Of course this one is regarding the congestion. Do you remember how far out before you could breathe out of your nose for a long time comfortably... like before surgery? I can do it for about 5 breaths and then I feel like I have to catch my breath my breathing through my mouth. Serioulsy, I feel like this is never ending. I'm five weeks post op (granted still getting over a sinus infection) and still a mouth breather. UGH!!
Hi LM -
ReplyDeleteCongestion was my worst enemy!! No worries, ask me anything, i hope it helps.
First of all, I 100% feel your pain, the worst part was not the surgery or pain, but the congestion is what got me. I'm trying to remember, and for me I think this is how it went (my disclaimer... it is different for each person of course)...
- First 3-4 weeks was the worst of the worst, almost unbearable congestion for me, lots of panic attacks (followed by valium!) I was freaking out a lot and it was pretty stressful for both of us. ;)
- At 5-6 weeks, most of the congestion was gone, and swelling was way way down. I could breathe pretty well, a huge difference from the first couple weeks. BUT then i got a bad cold & sinus infection, so the congestion returned. If you don't get sick like I did, you should be feeling pretty good by then.
- After that things improve very quickly overall. About 3 months out, i was finally starting to feel like my old self, congestion wasn't an issue, but i was still paranoid about my nose.
- About 8-9 months out, it was all a foggy memory, and I couldn't imagine that I ever had a different nose! By this time, i truly felt totally back to normal, no more obsessing, no more congestion. I know that sounds like a long time, but don't get me wrong - I wasn't congested the whole 9 months, but i was pretty obsessed and paranoid for a while. Also for me it took me a while to feel like my new nose was 100% part of me, if that makes sense. Little things like scrunching my nose, blowing my nose, bending it, etc. Normal stuff that you usually don't notice. Before this, i felt like it was a separate part of my face stuck on there. So it did take a while for it to really feel like part of my normal face. LOL. Also by now i'd say 95% of the swelling was gone, so it that was great.
I know it's hard right now, but things should should get better for you pretty quickly!! :) Once you get over the initial few weeks, every day you'll see & feel improvements. Hope that helps and good luck!
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeleteI seriously check your blog every week to compare my progess. What a God send you are to post all this. My sinus infection has finally cleared up also after two rounds of antibiotics. what hell. I can now breathe a little through my nose. No congestion but i feel the swelling is contricting me from getting full breaths in. I almost feel asthmatic if that makes sense so I still breathe a little out my nose and a little out of my mouth. Everyday gets a little better and I seriously hope one day I can fully breathe through my nose again. I have become so obsessed. Does this feeling sound familiar?
I want to thank you again for being so responsive. My whole family has read your blog to see when things will get better for me, especially my husband who is more than ready for this episode to be over. I have a 22 month old and I have been trying to keep from being too hands on in fear she will also bump my nose (I actually got the nose job to fix the break she caused three months ago when she head butted me. I hated my nose anyway because of the bump and it was too long but she made it crooked so that totally motivated me). Anyway, thanks again.
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this awesome experience of yours. Actually revision surgery is not necessary on your case since your nose is already beautiful and please stop thinking that it isn't perfect or just 90% well done because for me your noise is lovely. I'm glad you found great doctors. The knowledge and expertise of a surgeon was really important when it comes to Plastic surgeon Los Angeles is also a great place to visit as they provide better services.
i have also considered rhinoplasty, birmingham surgeons just on embarring bodies VIP cosmetic surgery have just done my consultation. my bump was not from a hit, just an awful one of god's mistakes, lol. so i have been saving for this for a while. i think the work you have had done is great, the front shot is just stunning. i really would stick with it for a while, noses tend to get even bigger, my nan has the same nose, poor woman, so further surgeries might be required into my 50's but for now, i will be happy once it is done.
ReplyDeleteHi Marie,
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your blog! I came upon it looking up bumping your nose after surgery. I had my surgery on the 5th and now it is the 8th, so I guess this is day 4 since the 5th counted as day 1? Anyway, earlier today I was holding my 5 month old nephew because he was crying and he turned his head and it hit the tip of my nose. It wasn't very hard so it stung but it also bled a little since I had a post op appointment today and she had moistened all of the blood inside. I also still have my cast on so I have no idea if anything actually happened. I was wondering how hard your baby bumped up into your nose? Did it swell right away? Everyone is telling me to relax and two of my friends who have had rhinoplasty have told me their dog/baby hit their noses while they had a cast on, too but I can't help feel paranoid. Anyway I don't think you need any revisions and I honestly don't see a difference between your pre-accident nose and the post-accident nose. It looks great! If you are bored, check out my blog!
Hi Aleen - Thanks for the nice comments!! Your blog is excellent! I think it's great to document this stuff as it really does help others. You look so pretty even with your cast on. :)
ReplyDeleteSo to answer your question, my daughter hit my nose really really hard, and it swelled immediately. I totally freaked out and was SO mad at myself for not being more careful. I was getting too confident and comfortable and missed playing with her, and of course that's when it happened. It sounds like your hit was pretty minor -- and since you still had your cast on still i bet that actually helped a huge amount. The hit from y daughter was very hard (she hit me from below straight up with her head very fast & hard), and i had no cast. There was a immediate pain and swelling, but no bleeding. i could tell things definitely shifted but it all was OK in the end, though I still think if it didn't happen i'd have my "perfect" nose! For me it did take weeks for the swelling to go back down to where it was before. But yours sounds minor and i think the bleeding is due to the recent surgery. So I actually would also say not to worry at all, until you have to. See how things look with the cast off. But even then give it time. One thing i learned is that you really do need to give it TONS of time to heal. I saw changes as far as 1-1/2 years post-op. I think you'll be fine, and try not to freak out too much, sounds minor to me.
Best of luck, and congrats on your surgery! We had similar surgeries, and I can tell you that i've been extremely happy with the results, and am 100% happy that I did it -- i know you will be too! :)
Thank you Marie, you are so sweet! I knew I wanted to document it years before it actually happened. Thank you for answering my questions. I'm sorry your nose hurt when that happened! I honestly don't see a difference in your nose from the accident. I'm sure you notice it more just because it is your face and you are your own worst critic! You look very pretty either way. I think reading your blog is sort of a wake up call to me not to get too comfortable in my "condition" and to be extra careful. I think I might even skip my first day back at school with my cast just because there are so many weird people out there and you never know if someone stupid might decided to punch you or something crazy. I know, I sound ridiculous but I don't want to risk it.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, our noses seem to have gone under similar procedures! Your old nose reminds me of my old one. I know I will not miss it at ALL. That thing made me self conscious for way too long! Anyway thank you so much for your kind words, your story, and your advice! <3
You look spectacular! I love your blog, and I love Dr. Naficy ;) I had a primary rhinoplasty with him in July 2010 and am coming up on my 1-year postop. My question for you is regarding revision. I am a little nervous to address my aesthetic concerns with him. I had an open rhino as I had a huge hook that extended all the way to the tip, lots of tip thickness, etc. Overall, it is a very nice improvement. However, I want to discuss the bump I still have after a year and my tip still being a tad bulbous and 'heavy' still.
ReplyDeleteDid he bring up the revision? Did you have to stress your concerns with him before talking about it? I know he is a perfectionist and very, very reasonable. I'm just a little nervous because I want to be 100% happy, and I don't feel that my concerns are inappropriate or out-of-this-world.....Having dealt with him in the realm of 'redoing' his own work--Is he amenable to discussing it and charging me up the yang?
Thanks for your opinion, sweetheart! And again, you do look amazing!
Excuse me....And "not" charging me up the yang ;) I am hoping if my concerns are founded in reality that he will work to give me a desired outcome! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteHi there- I was wondering what the outcome visit was with Dr. N concerning the slight revisions? I'm in the same situation with some conservative measures having been taken and I was hoping for more! I also don't want to pay any additional!
Hi Anony - I actually decided not to go back for revisions after i had the bump. It's been a few years now, and i'm very happy with the final result. For me personally, i saw very minor changes up to 3 years post op. I know Dr N offered to do the revisions free of charge if i wanted to, and he actually recommended doing the revisions, however i didn't want to undergo the whole surgery & recovery again so i waited, and am very happy with the results now. I don't knwo about other Doc's but i know Dr N is very accommodating and he is also a perfectionist so will do what it takes to make it perfect, covered in the initial cost. Best of luck!!
DeleteHi Anony - Congrats on your surgery. I'm glad to hear you went to Dr Naficy also!
ReplyDeleteSo, he actually brought up the revision for me, since the hit to my nose looked like it shifted things around. He said it would be fine either way, but since he is a perfectionist his recommendation was to do the revision. Here's the great news -- he said it would be totally covered, so no money out of pocket! I don't know if that's the case for everybody, but since I had a physical injury he said it would be covered by insurance and no additional cost. The bummer is though, you have to go through recovery ALL OVER AGAIN! So for me, i've decided it's not worth it. But it's totally a personal decision.
As far as bringing it up with him, I don't think you have anything to worry about. He was SO understanding and reasonable, and really was able to explain in detail what it means to have the revision, what the procedure would be like, recover, everything. So I really had a full picture of what I was in for.
I'm sure he will be more than understanding and if I were you don't hesitate to bring it up, you don't have anything to be nervous about, and really you paid plenty of money so it's your right to bring it up. I know how you feel, i've also been struggling with wanting to get my nose "perfect" especially after spending so much. You should just be honest and talk to him abou it so you know all the facts and get his professional opinion as well.
Good luck and hope it goes well!! :) And thanks for the nice comments!
Must be a roller coaster ride for you. It's great that you've recovered so fast. You look fantastic with your nose. Many women are dreaming to have the perfect nose, and for many, rhinoplasty is the way to achieve that dream. Which, I think, you already achieved. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteIt's really long term changes from rhinoplasty in nose but looks great outcome after almost one year of journey. Thumbs up.
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty or nose cosmetic procedure improves the characteristics and shape of the nose. Each individual exhibit different passages.
I think your nose looked awesome before the surgery. It also looks awesome after...I guess I don't see what the problem was/is. The arch in your nose before was dramatic and quite beautiful. You took that arch out because you didn't like it for some reason but it looks good now too. Not as dramatic as before, no, but either way, you are still a beautiful woman.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that as a society, and as women especially, we feel driven to change ourselves to fit some preconceived notion of what is "right" or "natural". I have that too. I'm 55 now and I look at pictures of me at 20 and 30 and oh my god...I was so gorgeous. Thin and pretty and wearing the most beautiful clothes.
But I didn't see it that way. I focused on my thighs, they didn't meet, you see, and I focused on my nose, which was/is fine but it's not a tiny nose. And I focused on my small breasts and short waist and wanted to be like other girls whom I thought were gorgeous.
Now I look back and I understand all the attention I got back then. I'm still attractive, but wiser.
You're beautiful. :) I hope you never try to change yourself through surgery again. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experiences. I think you look beautiful the way you are now, and I wouldn't change a thing! After seeing the before and after pics, I had no idea you were concerned about the outcome until I read further. I was just hoping mine (which I had 3 weeks ago) turns out as well as yours did.
I had a huge bump and overall the nose projected out too far. I like my results so far, but my question to you is, did you ever notice anything odd (tightness) when you tried to raise your eyebrows? I have swelling on both sides of the nose, but a lot more on one side than the other, and when I try to raise my brows, it feels like there are rubber bands pulling on that side of the nose. I'm afraid something went wrong. I see my doc again in a week.
Hi Lori - Thanks for the nice comments. :) And congrats on your surgery. You know, I do clearly remember what you are describing, like when i moved other parts of my face (laughing, eyebrows, etc), it did feel like it was pulling my nose, and my nose felt really tight and not at all elastic or flexible. For me it honestly took months before my nose totally felt like it was part of my face again. What you describe sounds really similar, so I'm betting it will go away with healing, in a couple months. I doubt anything went wrong, BUT i'm glad you are going to see your doc, it can't hurt to ask especially if it bothers you. Looking back, most of the recovery process was challenging mentally, not physically. It's easy to get so obsessed and paranoid about every little thing, when in reality it just heals up find on it's own. :) Good luck with your recovery, and enjoy your new nose!
ReplyDeletenice pict i like it
ReplyDeleteHi Marie
ReplyDeleteI'm undergoing rhinoplasty in about 2 days time, the anxiety is killing me but i have gained some reassurance reading your blog. To me, my nose is the only thing i see in the mirror, so in some respects i understand that whilst others might perceive rhinoplasty as another act of society's conformity/pressure to be perfect, for myself and many peeps, it's weirdly like a gift that i'm giving to myself, it's not everybody's choice to have their nose altered and not everybody feels the need to either, but i appreciate that a person like yourself can be a shining example of how rhinoplasty can really offer a person and i have loved reading your updated blogs, it has felt very life-like and by far one of the best reportings of the procedure. You have shared a short part of your life but this has meant a lot to people like myself and other men/women who are considering the same procedure. Thanks!
Oh what a nice message, thank YOU for taking the time to leave such a sincere and kind note. I'm so happy you've found this blog to be helpful. I know how the anxiety and nerves become the primary focus of your life, so I myself was desperately seeking some real life answers! Glad to hear this has been useful for you and so many others.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your decision! As you say it's a very personal thing, and a very big decision, but I honestly can say I have never once regretted it, not for a single moment. I only regret waiting so long! It was totally worth it (even thru all the horrible congestion, haha). Best of luck, I know your new nose will bring you many smiles! :)
Nose job is done to improve the appearance of the nose. It is also a process to improve respiration by correcting impaired breathing that is caused by nasal deformities or narrow nasal passages. While being an aesthetic improvement, a nose job process can improve someone's confidence and self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteYes now a days medical science is very much advanced in plastic surgery.Nose Job Glasgow .
ReplyDeleteHi Marie. Your nose looks fabulous - it looks like the nose you should have been born with! Suits your face beautifully. I came upon your blog due to anxiety induced googling of rhinplasty blogs, as I just had a revision rhino 4 days ago. Your blog has helped me to see the day to day progress and I must say it is very similar. for example, on day 3 and 4 I also have chipmunk cheeks! my bruising was bad but now is fading into a shade of yellow, with some areas speckled with dark purple spots. I had an open surgery which I think makes bruising and swelling lot worse than closed surgery. But for me open surgery was necessary to get the job done properly.
ReplyDeleteMy anxiety, however, was caused by the initial "piggish" look of my nose in the splint. I'm hoping this is due to the splint and tape pulling it up and hopefully it will loosen when everything comes off so the piggish upturned look is tamed. Did you experience this too? It doesn't seem to be so in your pictures with your cast on, but perhaps you did see a difference in how much your nose was upturned with the cast on and once it came off? this is the only thing i'm concerned with. My breathing is getting better, though there are times I get congested again. I get my splint off tomorrow late afternoon. I can't wait...but also bit worried - or should I say anxious! I hope my nose turns out as beautiful as yours. Yours was the most honest yet positive blog i've red so far. thanks for sharing this! BB
Hi Marie, I just found your blog and I'm SO thankful I did :) I've been seriously contemplating rhinoplasty for a few years now, but so far I've been too chicken to actually pursue it; last summer I almost set up some consultations but flaked. Lately I've been watching youtube videos and looking at blogs a lot more, and yours has been so incredibly helpful! You were honest about your recovery and your new nose looks GREAT! I'm so jealous! And I actually really love the way the cartilage shifted after the hit; it makes your nose look so natural and I would never guess that you had surgery. One of the things holding me back is that it seems to me that often times the nose ends up looking too perfectly straight, and I really don't want to end up with a cookie cutter nose. That and I'm prone to panic attacks as well, so I know I would have a hell of a post-op. But once I save up enough money, I think I'll go through with it. And I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to add your photos to my inspiration stack when I finally do my consult. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteMarie Marie Marie!
ReplyDeleteLIke many of the other comments here, I found this blog doing a bit of research on rhino. Last month this time, had the consult and two weeks ago had the op. I had a similar nose to yours and now am sitting pretty. It's an involved process no doubt, with many unknowns and natural concerns and because of your blog here, that potential storm was calmed. Thanks very much for the thorough posts detailing your experience. I checked back to it many a time pre-op and post-op. Thanks again and btw you look great, amazing!
You are most welcome! And I'm so happy to hear that my experience has helped you. Congrats on your decision and I hope your recovery is going well. It's so difficult the first month, but after that it gets better quickly by the day. Good luck and thank you for your nice comment!
ReplyDeleteDid you have any tip work done or was it just the bridge that the doctor "repaired"?
Oh I noticed you had it lifted a bit, anything else? Any narrowing, shrinking, etc? Thanks!
DeleteHi Arkady -
DeleteMy main issue was a hump on the bridge of the nose, and when i went in for my consult Dr. Naficy also recommended lifting the tip, which i never considered before but am VERY glad he did that. It was very subtle but made a huge improvement in the look and i'm really happy with it. There wasn't any narrowing, just shaving off that horrible hump and lifting the tip. Hope that helps!
Hey I enjoyed reading your post and I'm glad ur recovery went well.
ReplyDeleteits nice to know from those people about the experience of nose surgery who had gone through with this procedure. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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Thanks for your information about Rhinoplasty Surgery. The nose is looking a lot perfect and very much better after getting done the nose surgery. You are looking so nice.Thanks once again for sharing you experience.
ReplyDeleteYou have really put yourself out there and have shared a very personal experience (and victory) through this blog. Thank you for letting others know about what it feels like to get a nose job and what the rhinoplasty recovery process is all about. Your results look fabulous! Check out my rhinoplasty blog that covers deviated septum repair, revision rhinoplasty, and more.
ReplyDeletePros are beating cons on going for slight nose job again. You can satisfy with 90% but perfection has its own value so i prefer you must go for nose surgery again and if you are getting it for free then you definitely need to go againBreast Implant Beverly Hills
ReplyDeleteThe one year post on update is shared on the post here. Good post
ReplyDeleteI'm 19 and getting rhino in a week. I'm wicked nervous but I did my research like you and found the best surgeon in New England. Reading you blog has helped me be more prepared for what to expect in the weeks after surgery. I have to go back to classes 20 days after and I'm nervous that it will still be really swollen and bruised but hopefully it heals kinda like yours and I will look relatively normal by then. I'm just praying that with my incredibly low immune system that I don't get sick.
ReplyDeleteAging often goes with some facial hair growth. For a woman, this is simply terrible. Do not let the woman in you suffering with few hairs, think laser hair reduction. It is a rebirth in 3-4 months…
ReplyDeleteToronto Rhinoplasty
Hi Marie. It is such a delight to read you blog. It is very inspiring for you to share a very personal experience with the rest us. Your result looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteHi Marie! I am freaking out so I decided to look up people with similar stories as myself. I had rhinoplasty about 7 months ago. I was in love with the result of my nose, until a few days ago. Im 16 and my friend and i always goof around. She accidentally hit the front of my nose with her wrist (yikes!) and i freaked. At first i thought it was nothing and just iced it, but after about 5 minutes i looked in the mirror and saw a new bump on the bridge!! It swelled a little that day and later within the next two days the swelling disappeared, but the bump was still visible. Of course, my family and my friend said they don;t see any difference, but i see it all the time! My nose didnt bleed and didnt really hurt, so i dont know if any real damage was done. Has your bump gone away? i cant see my doctor for a month and i really hope that this is reversible!! what happened with you?
ReplyDeleteHi - I'm so sorry to hear you got bumped on the nose! Boy do i understand how frustrated you must feel. So i ended up actually leaving it and not fixing it. My doc offered to fix it free of charge, but i waited and it eventually went down and looks great now. Things did move inside when i got hit, but it's not obvious enough for me to go thru another surgery & recovery. And like you said my family & hubby said they couldn't tell. I can still tell when i touch my nose, but when i look in the mirror i'm really happy with the results. So, i'd give it honestly a good 6months - 1 year before you make any decisions. I'd say for me, i noticed swelling going down up to 2 years post op. Hope that helps, and good luck! AND congrats on the surgery, you will be so happy you did it!!
DeleteHi thanks for getting back to me so soon! Yes i am so upset, i'm mostly just mad at myself for not being more careful. I feel like before i got bumped i had the perfect nose that i'd always dreamed of, and now this little bump that no one seems to see but me has ruined everything, like all that time and money was a waste! I was able to schedule a closer appointment with my surgeon, thank goodness, and i'm hoping that he'll be able to give me some further guidance. I really don't want to go through another surgery and all of that recovery, just like you didn't. I understand the swelling went down with your nose but what happened to the new bump? Mines not big or anything but i feel like dealing with it the rest of my life is going to be as bad as before the surgery because im still hating my nose! I'll wait a year or however long and if the bump goes away, great! but what if it doesn't? omg im so conflicted!! but i was very happy i got the surgery, it was the best thing ever and my confidence improved so much, and im glad my parents let me do it this early! I got it for myself though, so i feel like if i can still see the blemish and i still don't like it regardless of what everyone else sees, that's not right, is it? Thanks for your input! By the way, your nose looks great!!
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Glad to know you are happy with Rhinoplasty. It all depends on the Plastic Surgeon who performs as well as how well you are preparing for the surgery.
ReplyDeleteGreat results there Marie! I admire you for having to put yourself out there and sharing a very personal experience and victory through your blog. I already bookmarked this and will visit every week.
ReplyDeleteAffordable Rhinoplasty Philippines
Rhinoplasty surgery is the most common procedure done. Glad to see that you are happy with the surgery done and with the outcome.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to write such a great blog. I recently had a rhinoplasty and referred to your postings every day. You were a lifesaver!
ReplyDeleteHi - your blog and photos are amazing. I am 24 days post septo-rhinoplasty and stressed to the max. I still can't breathe through my nose very well (fluctuates throughout the day, nothing in my nose, just dry and stuffed). I never had breathing problems before my surgery. My doctor assures me I have swollen turbinates that will go down with time. I also feel that I have a residual hump - and my PS says you won't know what your new nose will look like until 1 year. I am wondering if you felt your nose truly changed from 1 month post-op to 1 year post-op and also when you were able to fully breathe normally post-op. Any info would be much appreciated! :)
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to find something like this. Thanks for sharing. scottsdale rhinoplasty specialist
ReplyDeletehow much would Rhinoplasty cost me to get the size of my nose reduced. the general size is too big and i want it smaller...also...maybe remove a small bump on my much am i looking to spend
ReplyDelete@ Jenna Jones
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your decision! My doc told me the same thing, and i was super skeptical. I can honestly say that the swelling was going down up to 2 years post op. I feel like maybe 70% was down after 4 months, then maybe 90% after 1 year, and final 10% after 2 years. So what you are seeing now is honestly nothing like the actual result. After about 6 months things evened out and you could see more drastic improvement. But up until then it was still overall swollen a bit. After 1 year you'll see pretty dramatic results, different from what you see now after 24 days. My worst quality is patience, and boy did this test me! Good luck!
I have been trying to find a nose surgeon. Do you know who I would be able to find in Toronto? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your experience with your improving images. It shows that nose job by an expert will must change nose appearance. This post is really helpful.
ReplyDeleteI want to get nose surgery..I had accident when I was kid so I have hump in my nose and I want to do Hump Reduction . I am traveling India this summer and heard that it is cheap in Delhi, India so I want to do it there. Anyone knows how much does it cost and which surgeon or hospital is best?
Super work, You are looking marvelous. Thank for updating the photos and information, I am late then also glad that I came across your blog.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThe difference in that before and after picture is amazing to see! You definitely look a lot happier with yourself after the surgery. I don't know that I would be patient enough to wait out a 1 year recovery time though.
ReplyDeleteAndre Franklin |
wow, very informative blog about plastic surgery. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletecosmetic surgery beverly hills
I've also chosen Dr. Naficy for my upcoming nose surgery. Im excited, but a little more nervous than I expected. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions now that its been a couple years since your surgery. First, would you still recommend Dr. Naficy, both from a surgical and business perspective? Also, do you know what kind of graft he used to lift your tip? Any thoughts on Dr. Naficy would be helpful...I want to make sure I've chosen the right doctor. By the way, I think you and your nose both look beautiful. And I've found your blog to be so helpful in preparing me for the days to follow. Thank you so much for posting.
ReplyDeleteHi I am expecting my Revision Rhinoplasty and Lip Lift on the 3rd of March. I've broke my nose when I was a little and after that my nose isn't straight.
Neha verma
What you did is really nice, it helped to decide and go through the procedure! I am happy to see that you are enjoying life with a new beautiful nose! Nose Job Manila
ReplyDeleteWhen considering a procedure such as nose reshaping, men and ladies need to think about both the advantages and the drawbacks of having the procedure
Neha Verma
Goretex Rhinoplasty have better result than silicone.
ReplyDeletegreat blog to get information about nose job post effects. see Nose correction bhopal.
ReplyDeleteWow, your transformation looks great! I can only imagine going through a struggle like that. People sometimes see plastic surgery as a negative thing, but it has obviously helped you improve your confidence. I think that there is a valid case for plastic surgery improving the quality of people's lives and how they see themselves. I hope your recovery continues to go well!
ReplyDeleteOur cosmetic surgeons are among the most experienced in nose reshaping surgery. Visit us to find out and more.
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty is a common plastic surgery procedure that can reshape the nose and also correct breathing problems.
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At Marmm Klinik , Indore we have team of expert cosmetic surgeon. They give satisfactory result.
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty in Indore
thanks for the tips and information..i really appreciate it.. nose job men
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty surgery can be quite daunting if you have not done your initial research as to what it will be like during and after the surgery and how long should it be before you can expect complete recovery from the bruises and scars left by surgery.
ReplyDeleteA good rapport between the patient and the surgeon is important in order to have a realistic expectation from the surgery. If the surgeon can answer all your questions and concerns satisfactorily and can provide you with the confidence in his ability to give you the best looking nose, you can go for the surgery without any worries.
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Hi, Excellent blog post. I really appreciates with your article. Thanks for sharing.
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All Information of this blog, is extremely beneficial for people. Thanks to share this topic. Keep it Up !!
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty surgery in Indore
Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgical procedure that can correct the various deformities of the nose. This procedure is very popular and is frequently chosen by patients all around the world. It has dual benefits- It helps improving nasal function and enhances appearance. If a patient has problem in breathing, Rhinoplasty can correct internal structure of the nose. A nose with deformities can make breathing difficult with age as the nose gets longer causing the tip of the nose to drop down. In such situations, Rhinoplasty can be of great help
ReplyDeleteNose Surgery in Dubai offers a solution to correct any kind of nose abnormality. A nose surgery can be performed for cosmetic reasons or for health reasons such as a deviated septum that interferes with breathing. You can undergo a nose job, medically known as Rhinoplasty, if your nose is too broad, too long or has bumps on it.Rhinoplasty in Dubai
DeleteRhinoplasty (nasal surgery) is a surgical procedure that involves changes to all or some parts of the nose to reshape it. Click here to know the Best Nose Surgery in Delhi
I had a rhinoplasty/septoplasty/turbinate reduction two years ago (primarily to remove the huge hump from my nose) and I wanted you to know how much your blog meant to me during the surgery and recovery process. Without you, I would have felt concerned and alone, but reading about your day by day experience was a great comfort (and helped me look forward to my post surgery days). It was the best decision that I have made in my life and I truly appreciate your courage in blogging about your surgery!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for letting me know, you made my day! That's the reason i decided to put it all out there, because i couldn't find anything at the time. I'm so happy it helped you, and wonderful to hear you are happy with your decision! I too feel it's one of the best decisions i've made. Thank you again for the note, it means a lot!
DeleteI Really Appreciate It.very Useful for me and Useful for who wants Rhinoplasty Information.
ReplyDeleteI Really Appreciate It.very Useful for me and Useful for who wants Rhinoplasty Surgery Information.
ReplyDeleteNice blog, if you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty surgery, contact Best Nose Surgeon in Delhi. For more details visit:
ReplyDeleteNice and useful blog. I am very impressed from your blog. Nose is most important part of anyone, so a beautiful nose increase the beauty of face. Nose reshaping surgery Delhi it’s really amazing.
ReplyDeletePeople get rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, or to correct breathing problems or birth defects. Read more about this procedure @
ReplyDeleteNice blog, if you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty surgery, contact Best Nose Reshaping Surgery clinic in Delhi. For more details visit:
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this information. Very interesting to read. Rhinoplasty is only as safe as the surgeon whom you most carefully choose to perform the procedure. In the proper hands, the procedure is very safe. So choose your surgeon carefully.
ReplyDeleteRhinoplasty Philippines
Nose surgery change the shape of your face and make you more beautiful but the process and these pics are so difficult. But if you want to be beautiful then you have to manage.
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking for Rhinoplasty Surgery in India come to MedSpa. Dr. Ajaya Kashyap India's best plastic surgeon help you to make you understand all thing about Rhinoplasty Surgery.
Rhinoplasty, also called nose surgery, reshapes the nose by reducing or increasing the size, removing a hump, changing the shape of the tip or bridge, narrowing the span of the nostrils, or changing the angle between the nose and upper lip. Consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani for best rhinoplasty surgeon in - 8130134693
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of reasons why you might be thinking about revising your previous nose surgery, but before you schedule your revision rhinoplasty, here’s what you should know.
ReplyDelete#RevisionRhinoplasty #DrAjayaKashyap #CosmeticSurgeon
A good nose job should be integrated with your features so that its size and shape are harmonious with the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty in India at low price book an appontment at
ReplyDeletePeople get rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, or to correct breathing problems or birth defects. Read more about this procedure. If you’re thinking about rhinoplasty procedures book an appointment at
ReplyDeleteNice information about Rhinoplasty Surgery. Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
ReplyDeleteVery nice infomation about nose job surgery
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your experience with rhinoplasty hump removal! It’s inspiring to hear how this procedure can make such a positive difference in both appearance and confidence.
ReplyDeleteFor those considering a similar journey, Dr. Ranjit at Sculpt Sublime specializes in advanced rhinoplasty techniques, including hump removal, to deliver natural and refined results. Learn more here: nose job in mumbai.
Great insights on rhinoplasty hump removal! It’s interesting to see how personalized approaches can really make a difference in patient outcomes. At Ecla Clinic, we believe in providing tailored solutions for every patient, ensuring they receive the best care. It’s crucial to choose the best aesthetic clinic in Dubai for optimal results!