Today Chipmunk cheesks have moved down, so even more chipmunk like. But the swelling between my eyes is much better and bruising is getting lighter. I still can't breathe thru the nose at all. It's my nemesis! I guess my body just takes longer for the nose swelling to go down. At night i can use Afrin which helps but doc says not to use it more than 4 days otherwise it gets addicting. Here I am today, my face shape is weird and wide at the bottom, funny eh?

Starting to get an appetite, but nothing sound or tastes that good. Sticking to pudding, ice cream and cream o wheat for now. My energy is a lot better, but i still am moving pretty slowly. Talking better according to my hubby and mom, they said they can understand me better now, i guess i was sluring before like when you are drunk, haha.
Today is Saturday, on monday i get to have the cast and everything removed! I'm so excited for monday. just need to make it thru two more nights, and i pray (even though i'm not religious) that my congestion starts to improve. It's my biggest challenge through all of this. Trying to find more movies to watch, but it's getting harder to find good ones. catching up a lot on trashy daytime tv.
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