Today woke up and swelling in the eyes is much improved. Still a little puffy, but better. The swelling now has moved down to my cheeks. I have chipmunk cheeks! it's kinda weird and i look funny and strange, but glad the swelling is slowing getting better. Here i am Day 4 looking like a little kid or a big chipmunk:

Nose is still totally congested 100%. It's got to get better soon, please oh please! i hope today is the worst, and that tomorrow it gets better. Getting more of an appetite, but mostly for ice cream, pudding, and cream of wheat, and mashed potatoes. The thought of anything else is not appealing. Just resting and watching more daytime tv. Pain is pretty much non-existent, just a very very minor headache. Still taking valium to help with anxiety until I can breathe thru the nose.
Finally took a shower, which felt good after 3 days, being very careful not to get the nose cast wet. Still kinda slow and sloppy, keep dropping things and talking slow, but feeling good. Stuffiness has not gone down, i pray that tomorrow it gets better. Time for some mindless tv and ice cream again. Hoping i can sleep well tonight.
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