I continued to iced all morning, then took a 3 hour nap waking up with the dryest mouth and throat in the world. But the nap felt really good. By afternoon the swelling went down a tiny bit, and still no pain. Very cool that there is not any pain!
Still taking Tylenol though, just because I can. Not much appetite, and drinking water like crazy, polishing off several big bottles of water a day. The congestion has reach 100%, cannot breathe at all out the nose, it's maddening but the doc says by tomorrow it should slowly start improving. I'm praying that this is the peak, and it will go down from here. Going to keep icing today in hope to reduce the swelling more. I need to be able to breathe out the nose so badly!
Otherwise, my energy level is better, feels like i'm just really tired and have a cold, and need lots of rest, but don't feel too bad. When i get up I do need to walk slow, also i'm paranoid about bumping the nose, so It's best to be stationary watching TV or taking a nap.
By night time the puffyness in the eyes has gone down a tiny bit. Time to try and sleep. Pop valium and can sleep, waking up about every 1-2 hours for water, mouth is so terribly dry. But getting a better sleep than before, yay!
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